The Neutral Expert appointed under the Indus Waters Treaty of 1960 issued a press release on January 20, 2025, confirming his competence to address key issues concerning the Kishenganga and Ratle hydroelectric projects.
India has welcomed the Neutral Expert’s decision, which falls under Paragraph 7 of Annexure F of the Treaty, describing it as a validation of India’s long-standing and principled position. The decision reaffirms that all seven questions raised regarding the projects are differences within the Neutral Expert’s jurisdiction.
Next Steps in the Neutral Expert Process
Following this ruling, the Neutral Expert will proceed to the next phase of deliberations, focusing on the merits of each of the seven differences. This phase will culminate in a final decision, which will be binding on both parties as per the provisions of the Indus Waters Treaty.
India’s Commitment to the Indus Waters Treaty
India reiterated its commitment to upholding the sanctity and integrity of the Treaty, emphasizing the importance of resolving disputes through established mechanisms. India also reaffirmed its stance against parallel proceedings, such as the Court of Arbitration, which it deems inconsistent with the Treaty’s framework.
Dialogue on Treaty Review and Modification
In accordance with Article XII (3) of the Treaty, India and Pakistan remain engaged in discussions on the potential review and modification of the Indus Waters Treaty to address emerging challenges.
The Neutral Expert’s decision represents a significant step forward in resolving technical and legal differences under the Treaty, a vital agreement that has successfully governed the use of shared river waters between India and Pakistan for over six decades.