HomeCubaIntervention by Inés María Chapman Waugh, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic...

Intervention by Inés María Chapman Waugh, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba, at a High-Level Meeting on the Application of the Water-Related Objectives and Goals of the 2030 Agenda

Mr. President:
The question of water is at the very heart of humanity’s survival. Access to this resource is a human right, the full enjoyment of which by all must be ensured.
Compliance with Sustainable Development Goal 6 and its goals requires strong political will on the part of governments and the promotion of international cooperation, which guarantee universal access and sustainable use of water, infrastructure development, capacity building. in the area of water and hydraulic resources management, innovation, technology transfer and adaptation to climate change.
The commercial manipulation of natural resources by large transnationals should cease, and the creation of funds and financial mechanisms for the mobilization of technological resources with a view to increasing the coverage of drinking water, environmental sanitation and the sustainable management of ecosystems should be promoted, for the welfare of the peoples.
Mr. President:
The Cuban Constitution recognizes the right of access to water and sanitation for all, supported by public policies and the Land Water Law, which orders its integrated and sustainable management as a strategic issue for the country.
The implementation of the National Plan for Economic and Social Development of Cuba until 2030, which includes the Comprehensive Hydraulic Development Program, has allowed us to meet two of the SDG 6 indicators, also thanks to the high level of our specialists; the active participation of institutions, universities and research centers; the contribution of science and innovation; the development of industrial capacities and the valuable support of international cooperation.
Even when we show achievements, Cuba faces dissimilar challenges derived from its status as a Small Island Developing State and the criminal economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States government, which constitutes the main obstacle to achieving better results and limits access of the country to external financing, new technologies and other capacities in this sphere. Despite this, we ratify the commitment to continue working to achieve the goals proposed in the 2030 Agenda.
Likewise, we will contribute our experience to international debates on this issue, convinced that the internationalization of the water problem makes it essential for the United Nations to be the main forum to debate and reach consensus on this matter.
Thanks a lot


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