HomeTurkeyNo: 228, 4 October 2020, Press Release Regarding Armenia’s Attacks on Ganja...

No: 228, 4 October 2020, Press Release Regarding Armenia’s Attacks on Ganja City of Azerbaijan

Armenia’s attacks today, targeting the civilian population in Ganja, the second largest city of Azerbaijan, are a new manifestation of Armenia’s disregard of law. We condemn these attacks. Facing defeat in the Azerbaijani territories it occupied, Armenia attacks the civilian settlements beyond the regions that are scene of armed confrontations because of its occupation, in violation of all principles of humanitarian law, first and foremost the Geneva Conventions. These attacks are an indication of the desperation of Armenia and that it will not shy away from committing crimes against humanity in order to continue its illegal occupation. As we have said since the beginning, Armenia is the biggest obstacle to peace and stability in the region.

We support the stance of the Azerbaijani administration which has announced that it will not respond to Armenia’s provocations, that it is exercising its right of self-defense arising from international law within its internationally recognized borders and that it is making every possible effort to prevent harm to the civilian population.


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