HomeSamoaKeynote Address by the Minister of Education, Sports and culture, Afioga Seuula...

Keynote Address by the Minister of Education, Sports and culture, Afioga Seuula Ioane Tua’au

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Keynote Address by the Minister of Education, Sports and culture, Afioga Seuula Ioane Tua’au  for the official launching of the:

(1) National Competencies Standards (NCSs) and Samoa Qualifications in Agriculture and Horticulture, Electronic Engineering, Sports.

AND (2)Careers Advisory Service Online Portal.

(Tuesday 23rd November 2021) {Sam & Eng}

Susu lau Susuga i le Ta’ita’i o le Sauniga, lau Susuga Pastor Matamua Asipa Pati

Afifio le Amapasa a le Malo o Ausetalia ma le Malo o Niu Sila

Afifio Fa’auluuluga o Matagaluega ma Fa’alapotopotoga eseese a le Malo

Afifio Fa’auluuluga o Kamupani ma Fa’apotopotoga eseese

Afifio Pule Aoga ma Sui o Aoga Fa’aauau

Afifio le ma’ave eseese o le Auvala’aulia

Talofa, Talofa Lava!

Manatu o le ‘a lē toe o’o se leo i Paia ua sasao nei, o lea ua ma’ea na paelago ma fa’ailo e le fofoga o le aso paia ma mamalu taue’ee ua pāpā’a’ao i le malu nei. Manatu fo’i o lea ua saunoa lana Auauna e ave le Viiga i lo tatou Tapa’au i le Lagi ma faanonomanū ia to mai Lagī lona Manuia e auali’itia ai lo tatou faamoemoe.

Le mea lea o le ‘a faailo ai ia lupe o le seuga aua lo outou afifio ma tala mai a’ao.

I le agaga faafetai ma le faagae’etia ou te faailoa ai le faamae’aina ai o nisi o galuega a le Pulega o Faailoga ma Tusi Pasi Taualoa a Samoa i le fausia ma le tusia ai o Agava’a Aloa’ia ma Faailoga Samoa i Vaega e 4 e aofia ai:

– Fa’atoaga;

– Galuea’ina o Togāla’au aina;

– Inisinia o Feso’ota’iga; ma

– Ta’aloga.

E le gata i lea ua faalauiloa ai fo’i Auaunaga i Auala Faatekonolosi e fautua ai mo le Atina’ega o Galuega

O galuega nei a le Pulega o lo’o faatonutonuina i ana matāfaioi i totonu o le Tulafono 2010, faatasi ai ma le Manulauti o le Fuafuaga a le Vaega o Aoaoga 2019-2024 “ina ia aoaoina uma tagata Samoa ma galulue ia fua mai”. O nei foi galuega o lo’o i totonu o le Fuafauga Alualu Mamao mo le Vaega o A’oa’oga Fa’aauau 2020-2024 ma le Fuafuaga Autasi 2021-2024 a le Pulega nei.

O le tuufaatasia o Agava’a Aloa’ia ma Faailoga Samoa e pei ona iai Vaega e fa (4) o le a faailoa i le asō, o le tali atu lea o le Pulega i le Sini Autu muamua o le Fuafuaga  a le Vaega o Aoaoga 2019-2024 “ina ia a’oa’oina uma tagata Samoa ma galulue ia fua mai” O le galulue so’oso’o tauau ai o le tatou Pulega ma i latou e iai āia i Faailoga ma Tusi Pasi i Vaega e fa (4) ua faailoaina nei, e faamaonia ma ausia ai le tulaga aupito sili ona lelei ma talafeagai tonu o Agava’a Aloa’ia ma Faailoga Samoa e faamalie ai manaoga o agavaa moomia ma talafeagai i totonu o fale faigaluega.

O le faalauiloaina foi o le Auaunaga i Auala Faatekonolosi e Fautua ai mo le Atinaega o Galuega i le asō, o se galuega o le a fesoasoani tele i ē o lo’o aoaoga, latou te iloa ai i se taimi vave faamatalaga e uiga i Aoga Faaauau ma ā latou polokalame a’oa’oina; pe ua lesitala le Aoga; ae pe ua faamaonia aloa’ia fo’i ā latou polokalame. O faamatalaga nei e tāua e fai ai filifiliga a ē e aoaoga ina ia mautinoa le lelei atoatoa o Aoga Fa’aauau ma a latou polokalame a’oa’oina i se taimi vave, e aunoa ma le tau alu i le Aoga Fa’aauau. E faapena foi ona fesoasoani lenei polokalame faatekonolosi i Aoga Faaauau e faalauiloa ai a latou polokalame.


Pastor Matamua Asipa Pati

Your Excellencies

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen.

It’s my privilege as the Minister of the Samoa Qualifications Authority to officially launch the new National Competencies Standards (NCSs) and Samoa Qualifications (SQs) in 4 different areas:

– Agriculture

– Horticulture

– Electronic Engineering

– Sports

Additionally today’s event also marks the launch of the Careers Advisory Services Online Portal.

It is indeed a celebration of achievement of additional milestones by the SQA.

The current Education Sector Plan Vision is “All people in Samoa are educated and productively engaged”. As mandated by the SQA Act 2010, the development of National Competencies Standards (NCSs) and Samoa Qualifications (SQs) is in line with the strategic directions of the SQA with enhancing relevance and quality PSET education system in Samoa as key and what SQA aspires for.

Today’s launch is only the beginning of another process whereby PSET providers and industries are required to deliver NCSs and SQs. This is why I’m delighted to see a number of PSET Providers and employers this morning as key to the implementation of this work. I remind our stakeholders of the need to uptake these competencies as they are nationally endorsed. Without these, achieving key indicators in our national and education plans would not be achieved. After all your government is investing heavily on delivering quality and relevant education knowing that it largely contributes to economic and social developments when the learners develop the knowledge, skills and values required and appropriate for them to be productively engaged.

The launch of the Career Advisory Services Online Portal is an initiative to showcase relevant information from the PSET providers to assist learners make choices on which providers are currently registered, what accredited programmes they offer and what requirements they need to comply with in order to be eligible. It provides stress-free access for learners to tap into these information by just pressing the button rather than visiting the providers physically. Moreover, information on learning resources and those to assist learners choose and develop careers would also be made available on the online portal. It is about maximizing new technology. The CAS online portal undoubtedly will increase the economic efficiency of education and training and would provide improved access to new opportunities for lifelong learning as espoused by the UN sustainable development Goal 4.

I would also like to use this opportunity to acknowledge the financial support of our Development Partners mainly Australia and New Zealand through the Budget Support mechanism that leverage most of the Authority’s activities such as funding the developments of NCSs and Samoa Qualifications which will be in your possession soon. 

I would also like to thank the PSET providers and all stakeholders who contributed invaluably to these new developments. Your contribution is a mark of ownership of these documents.  Last but not the least, I extend word of thanks to the Board of Directors, Management and staff of SQA for the work produced and achievements launched today. It takes much patience and endurance to complete such an undertaking as we witness today.

Ladies and gentlemen, with those words I officially declare open the Launch this morning.

Soifua ma ia Manuia!

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