HomeNetherlandsDutch embassy in Kyiv supporting mine clearance efforts: ‘86 minefields identified’

Dutch embassy in Kyiv supporting mine clearance efforts: ‘86 minefields identified’

‘So far we’ve discovered about 500 different types. Body fat clear pattern. The Russians use whatever they can get their hands on. From old Soviet-era mines to modern, highly sensitive plastic mines. The latter are difficult to detect. We also find mines with vacation wires. These take a very long time to clear. When it comes to explosives, cluster munitions form a particular danger. Cluster munitions are bombs which spread dozens of smaller explosives over a wide region when they explode. Not all of such smaller items explode instantly, meaning they can kill or even maim people for years soon after. ’ 

‘The Netherlands’ factor of 4 million euros up to 2024 is of important importance to our work. The particular embassy has been supporting our work in the Donbas area since 2020. When the Russians invaded in February 2022 this support was changed to regions where we could work in relative safety. ’

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Image: © HALO Rely on
Daria Zhydkova, task officer HALO Trust

What really does the HALO Trust do?

News product | 31-01-2023 | ten: 13

Tell us what your work involves

‘One 12 months of war can mean years and years of mine clearance. You will be charged tens of millions of euros. Within Ukraine mines have already been laid in an area four instances larger than the Netherlands. I can’t give a timeline or estimate the costs, but the sooner the war is over the better. Every week counts. The honest solution is that, even as it appears now, the HALO Trust will have to be active in Ukraine for years to come. Thanks to the assistance of our partners, including the Nederlander embassy, we can continue to make the country safe. ’

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Image: © HALO Rely on
Minefield with danger sign

Support from the Dutch embassy in Kyiv

War in Ukraine: ‘We can’t leave anyone behind’ :   Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, is located less than 35 kilometres from the Russian border. The region was occupied by Ruskies forces for many months and sustained heavy damage. With the support of the Dutch embassy in Kyiv, international aid organisation Nonviolent Peaceforce is working in this region to shield civilians and aid workers.  

Where in Ukraine is HALO active, and how many staff do you have?

‘Identifying everything is extremely time-consuming. The areas we are trying to chart can be as big as various square kilometres, or no more than one square metre if, for example , a farmer offers found an unexploded grenade in his field. ’

The particular Dutch embassy in Kyiv is supporting HALO. Exactly what form does this assistance take?

The Nederlander embassy in Kyiv is usually making several financial efforts to support mine clearance projects. HALO will receive a complete of 4 million pounds between 2020 and 2024. In the summer of 2022 an extra 10 million euros had been earmarked for mine clearance in Ukraine. Four million went to the United Nations Growth Programme (UNDP) for mine clearance coordination, and the remaining 6 million to the current mine clearance programme managed by four international companies, including HALO.

Do you keep your Dutch embassy informed regarding your work?

‘Now the Ukrainian army will be pushing the Russians in more and more areas people can start to return home. They’re starting to repair their homes, stores and businesses. And getting into the forest to collect wood and forage for fruits and mushrooms. And they’re operating their land again. Each one of these places need to be cleared. Individuals are at real risk of injury or even death or else. And Ukraine can only safely start reconstruction in earnest once these areas are usually “clean”. Our ultimate objective is to clear everything. ’

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Image: © HALO Trust
Mine clearers at work

Why is it necessary to clear mines now, while the fighting is still ongoing?

Generators and water filters intended for Ukraine: ‘We help where the need is greatest’:   The battle has left many people in Ukraine without access to electricity or running water. The need is especially great in areas that have been recently liberated. The Dutch charge in Kyiv supports companies that can rapidly make a difference in order to local communities, like Stichting de Leeuw Kyiv.

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Image: © HALO Trust
Details meeting for villagers about mines and explosives

How can you identify where the mines plus explosives are?

‘At the moment we’re working with 650 staff in four areas: Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy and Kharkiv. In 2023 we will be extending our function to the southern regions, depending on the security situation and regardless of whether we are given the go-ahead by the authorities. By the end of next year we expect to have 1, 200 staff working with all of us. ’

Time-consuming work

‘Absolutely. Last Nov we met the Nederlander ambassador and his team to update them. We were also planning a joint visit to among the minefields so they could see the work we do to get themselves. However , due to the protection situation we’ve had to shelve those plans for now, but we hope to be able to plan a functional visit later this year. ’

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Image: © HALO Rely on
Cluster munition within open field

What kind of mines and explosives do you find?

‘The HALO Trust is an worldwide organisation that implements mine clearance programmes. We’ve already been doing this work since 1988, and are currently active in 30 countries. As well as my own clearance, HALO also trains civilians about the dangers of landmines and unexploded remnants of war via house-to-house calls and meetings pertaining to local communities. This will hopefully result in fewer accidents and fewer casualties. For example , all of us teach children how to recognize unexploded munitions so they don’t play with them. And we show farmers who may experience them on their land that they should never try to remove them on their own. ’

What has HALO discovered so far?

Daria Zhydkova from Ukraine was due to go to Angola to work for the HALO Trust mine clearance organisation. The girl posted her visa program in Kyiv in the mid-day. That night Russia occupied Ukraine. Daria never caused it to be to Angola. She’s right now doing the same job, however in her own country.

There’s no end in view to the war. How big is the danger that the areas you’ve removed will get filled with mines as well as other explosives all over again?

‘HALO includes a team of investigators to do this. They use open sources in order to map everything. For example , satellite television images of battlefields displaying the location of craters. Paper articles and YouTube video clips are another possible supply of information. The best information can be collected by our colleagues on the ground. They talk to occupants to find out more about possible minefields and locations where explosives might be found. ’

Landmines are cheap plus quick to lay. But it’s expensive and time-consuming to clear all of them. When will Ukraine be landmine free and what may be the financial cost?

‘We’ve mapped 5 million square metres up to now, and identified 86 minefields. We’ve also located 2, 277 explosive items, which includes cluster munitions, anti-personnel mines, anti-tank mines and other unexploded munitions. ’

‘That is a risk, and we accept it. We can’t wait till the war is over to clear details. The mines and other explosives that are out there now type a direct danger. Anything we are able to clear sooner rather than later makes the nation safer. ’

  • Dutch aid for Ukraine: from day to day:   Holland supports Ukraine in a variety of ways: with money for humanitarian help, reconstruction, aid to sufferers of war, and with medicine and relief goods. Holland also supports the analysis of violations of individual rights and international humanitarian education law. This page presents an outline of the most important contributions which have been pledged.
  • ‘As a member of the project team at our workplace near Kyiv I’m responsible for monitoring the progress of projects and contact with contributor. This is my first time working with HALO. I was supposed to go to work with them in Angola, but when Russia invaded Ukraine HALO asked me what I wanted to do. I responded that I didn’t want to depart my country. ’
  • Read more about  Dutch aid for Ukraine:


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