HomeKiribatiPresident Taneti Maamau - A na Katairiki ni kakaitau Beretitenti Taneti Maamau...

President Taneti Maamau – A na Katairiki ni kakaitau Beretitenti Taneti Maamau nakoia taan anga baia n ibuobuoki ao Kometen te ka 44 ni kauringa Bongin Abara

### President Taneti Maamau also extends a special acknowledgment to Kiribati’s development partners and members of the business community, whose generosity of time and resources has been instrumental in supporting the National Day of Kiribati, along with the historical participation of Nine Churches and Denominations in Kiribati, coming together for the first time to worship God in honour of Kiribati’s 44th anniversary celebration. +4 Communications& PR Unit, Office of The President, P.O Box 68, Bairiki, Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati 167167 N ana marooro are e anga n tain te Katairiki aio ao e kawenea bwanana ni kakaitau Beretitenti Taneti Maamau nakon te Komete ni Kainaomata n aron aia tokanikai ni korakoraia are a tia n anga inanon wiikin te Kainaomata. For more info, contact: ———————– Tel: +686-75021183, Fax: +686-75021466, Mobile: +686-73026636; E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. E bon katerea naba te Beretitenti bwa e bon aki kona ni waaki te Tautaeka i bon irouna ma e teimatoa ni kainanoi boutoka n taainako ibukin kakoroan nanon ana kantaninga ibukin uakoraan riki te maeuraoi ao te kabwaia nakoia te botanaomata rinanon ara kibu ni koora n te ririki aei ae “Maeuraoi te Bootanaomata rinanon te babaronga raoi”. The Government is hosting its dinner reception this evening to acknowledge the tireless efforts of those who have worked tirelessly to make this year’s National week of celebration an extraordinary milestone for our Government and our beloved people. See insights and ads All reactions: In his keynote address, President Taneti Maamau extends his heartfelt gratitude to our valued partners outside the Government and within the National Day Organizing Committees for their genuine contributions. Boost post “Te kantaninga bwa tina bane n namakina te nano ni kukurei ao n reitaki iroura ni kabane ibukin kororaoin ao tamaroan te mwakuri ake tia tia ni bane n uaia ni waaki inanona,”e taku riki Beretitenti Taneti Maamau. “This reception is a tribute to your exceptional effort, unwavering dedication, and unparalleled commitment leading up to and during the Independence Day celebrations,” says President Taneti Maamau. E bon kawenea naba bwanana ni karabwarabwara nakoia Bitineti ma Botaki Ake itinanikun te Tautaeka ibukin teimatoan aia boutoka nakon waaki ake a karaoaki ibukin rungaan Bongin Abara, n reitaki ma Botaki ni Mwakuri ake a reke tibwangaia, Tautaeka Mai iabatera ake a teimatoa n anga baia n ibuobuoki ao ai n reitaki ma Ekaretia ao Botaki n Aro ake a tia n reiti nanoia ni kabane ibukin rungaan aia Taromauri ni katituaraoi ibukin kauringaan Bongin Abara, ao ai nakoia ni kabane ake a tia ni kabanea korakoraia ibukin kanakoraoan kauringaan Bongin Abara. (Bairiki, Tarawa, Kanimabong 21 n Turai 2023)——-E karaoa ana botaki ni katairiki ao ni kakaitau te Tautaeka nakoia Rabwata ake a tia n anga baia n ibuobuoki inanon kauringaan ana ka 44 n Inaomata Abara ae Kiribati.


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