“We will allocate ten per cent of the funds, EUR 500,000, to risk management. This money is used to monitor the implementation of guidelines on misconduct. In future, we will also require annual bilateral consulatations with Finland on the progress of stepping up risk management,” Minister Tavio says.
Finland will continue to monitor closely the review processes related to UNRWA in cooperation with other countries.
UNRWA has given Finland a bilateral assurance that misconduct will be tackled with enhanced effectiveness. It has provided similar assurances to the European Commission and Sweden, among others.
The allegations concerning support for terrorism are serious. The findings of the assessments have been discussed with the UNRWA, but a final report on the alleged links to Hamas terrorism has yet to be produced.
Lauratuulia Lehtinen, Director, Unit for Humanitarian Assistance and Policy, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, tel. +358 46 921 2030
Tuomas Tähti, Special Adviser to the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development, tel. +358 295 350 199