January 25-28, 2022 Havana, Cuba
The José Martí Project for World Solidarity
This project is sponsored by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) since its creationin 2003, and has been supported by the Organization of Ibero-American States for Science, Education and Culture (OEI) and other international institutions. It is coordinated by theJose MartiProgramme Office of Cuba (OPM),and during almost two decades of work this Project has shownhavinga worldwide scope throughseveral initiatives. For instance, the UNESCO / José Martí International Prize, and a large international movement aimedat disseminating the legacy of the Cuban Apostle of Independence and National Hero and supporting UNESCO’s priorities.
We callupon all people of good will: intellectuals, artists, politicians and activists,as well as educators, writers, journalists, fighters for social justice, political, trade-union and religious leaders, members of scientific, feminist, young, farmer and environmental non-governmental organizations, etc. driven by principles of justice and equity. We intend tomake of this plural and multidisciplinary thinking forum a platform for raising awareness across the international public opinion of the illsafflicting thehumankind and endangering the very existence of our species.
In the previous edition, about a thousand delegates from 63 countries attended this Conference from January 28-31st, 2019 in Havana, Cuba. This time, the Fifth International Conference FOR THE BALANCE OF THE WORLD “With all and for the good of all” is dedicated to commemorate the 169th Anniversary of José Martí’s birth, a great universal thinker of deep humanist, anti-imperialist, ethical and social justice convictions. It will also address the most pressing global problems currently affectingthe Humankind.
This International Conference remains an extension of the debates of the World Congress on Humanities held in August 2017 in Liege, Belgium, sponsored by UNESCO and the International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies.
A wide range of topics will be covered during keynote lectures, special remarks, commissions, panels, workshops, a youth forum and other forms of reflection, as it is appropriate of a plural and multidisciplinary forum of this kind and size. As usual, the event will have a broad agenda that will include the following topics:
- Experiences resulting from the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Dialogue and cultural diversity
- Role and challenges of social movements
oNeed for solidarity
- The imperative struggle for peace and nuclear disarmament
- The problem of water in all its aspects
- Risks and hopes generated by the
new information technologies (ICT)
- Fake news, ethics and social
- Responsibilities of journalism in the current situation
- The ecosystem and its protection
- Cultural policies and national
- Arts and letters, particularly poetry to foster spirituality and a culture of resistance
- Multilateralism as an indispensable mechanism for world balance
- Integration as a need to face the challenges of modern world
- Sustainable development and social equity
- Hunger and food security
- Education and human rights in the 21st century
- The struggle against all forms of
- Gender equality in its true and real
- Trade unions in the light of neoliberal globalization
- Religious diversity, ecumenism and spirituality
- The problem of drug consumption and drug trafficking
- The role of youth and new
generations: present and future
- The fight against terrorism in all its forms, including state terrorism
- Building a participatory and effective democracy
- Justice as the beacon of the moral world
- Contributions of Latin-American thinkingfrom Simón Bolívar and José Martíto the most relevant modern thinkers
VENUE AND LANGUAGES: The Conference will be held at the Havana Conference Center, Cuba. The official languages will be Spanish, English and Portuguese, andin the plenary, there willbe simultaneous interpretation in French and Russian as well.
PAPERS REGISTRATION: Those who want to participate as speakers must register their papers with the Organizing Committee before November 30, 2021, including the paper’s title, the author’s details and an abstract of 100 words maximum (Arial 12), specifying which audiovisual device would be required for their presentation.
CONFERENCE MEMOIRES: At the end of this forum, a book will be published in digital format to be distributed in universities and across the wide network of Contacts of the José Martí Project for World Solidarity. Therefore, those who register as speakers are asked to submit their whole papers.
CREDITS: Delegates registered as speakers or participants will be givendiplomasaccrediting the corresponding academic credits, according to international standards.
Delegates |
120.00 USD |
Undergraduate students |
70.00 USD(show supporting document) |
Escorts |
50.00 USD |
Payment can be made upon arrival at the Conference Center, at the moment of accreditation, or online through the official website of the conference: http://www.porelequilibriodelmundocuba.com