On the occasion of World Ocean Week, the United States is pleased to announce it will partner with Palau on the next Our Ocean Conference, planned for early 2022 in Koror, Palau.
All life on this planet depends on a healthy ocean. It regulates our climate and weather, generates half our oxygen, and provides food and livelihoods for billions of people. The Our Ocean Conference is a pivotal moment to spur global ocean action. It is critical to work together with partners around the globe to mobilize commitments to advance sustainable fishing, promote marine protected areas, combat ocean plastic pollution, support maritime security, foster a blue economy, and create an ocean resilient to climate impacts.
It is important to note that the climate crisis is an ocean crisis. Greenhouse gas pollution is having profound and dire impacts on the ocean. To protect the ocean, we as a global community must keep the goals of the Paris Agreement within reach. The ocean plays a vital role in our efforts to tackle the climate crisis, from reducing shipping emissions, to scaling up offshore renewable energy, to protecting and restoring coastal ecosystems that store carbon and protect coastlines – hence preserving resources that provide us life and livelihoods.
We look forward to working together with countries and other partners worldwide to ensure that the seventh Our Ocean Conference carries forward the momentum on “ocean and climate action” after November’s U.N. climate conference (COP26) and brings forward meaningful and actionable commitments to create a future that protects our ocean, our planet, and our people.
For press inquiries, contact OES-PA-DG@state.gov.