The embassy, high commission or consulate will display your notice publicly for 14 days. If nobody makes an objection, you can agree a date for your consular civil partnership within 3 months of your first appointment.
- local laws do not allow you and your partner to get married
- local authorities have given us permission and we follow their requirements
This is sometimes called a consular marriage. You’ll need to bring 2 witnesses. You, your partner and your 2 witnesses will sign the marriage register. Your witnesses must:
How to arrange a consular marriage
- Make sure you understand all the eligibility requirements of getting married in your chosen country.
- Contact the embassy, high commission or consulate to book an appointment to give notice and set a provisional date for your ceremony.
- Attend your appointment to give notice of your marriage.
- Wait 14 days while your notice is displayed.
- If no one objects, attend your ceremony within 3 months of your first appointment.
Giving notice of your marriage
It costs £150 to register your marriage. You’ll need to pay £50 for a marriage certificate. In some countries you can register a consular civil partnership. You must be living in the country you’re going to get married in for 7 full days before you can give notice. If you or your partner have been married or in a civil partnership before, you’ll need one of the following:
- your passport
- your partner’s passport or national identity card
- proof that you’ve been in the country for 7 days (for example, a bank statement, flight or train ticket or passport stamp)
- payment (check with the embassy, high commission or consulate which payment methods they accept)
You’ll need to sign a legal statement at the embassy, high commission or consulate to say you intend to get married. This is known as ‘giving notice’. Your marriage ceremony will be at the embassy, high commission or consulate on the date you agreed. It costs £50 to give notice and you’ll need to pay with a debit or credit card. If both you and your partner are British nationals, you’ll both need to give notice and pay £50 each. Your consular marriage will be registered under the law of England and Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. You’ll need to say at this appointment which UK country you want to register under.
What you’ll need to do for the ceremony
Check where you can get a consular marriage. You can get married at a British embassy, high commission or consulate abroad if: You can pay when you give notice or when your marriage ceremony takes place. You should check with the embassy, high commission or consulate which payment methods they accept.
- bring photo ID
- be 16 or over
- know you or your partner
- know English well enough to follow the ceremony and understand the documents they have to sign
If your partner’s not British, they’ll need to bring documentation from their embassy or government that they’re free to marry. You and your partner will sign a declaration that you’re free to marry. Your consular marriage will be officially recognised in the same way as ceremonies that take place in the UK.
Countries that offer consular marriage
You need to bring: