HomeFinlandGovernment report on Nordic cross-border barriers presents Finnish efforts to remove barriers

Government report on Nordic cross-border barriers presents Finnish efforts to remove barriers

“The Nordic countries have created a unique system of removing and preventing cross-border barriers, and it has attracted international interest. Every day the Nordic countries work to ensure free movement across their borders. Nordic cooperation promotes free movement in a number of fields, including housing, studies, work and entrepreneurship. It is important that the Government continue its efforts to remove cross-border barriers. The report also highlights examples of cross-border barriers where we need to continue our work,” says Minister for Nordic Cooperation and Equality Thomas Blomqvist, who presented the report.
In the Nordic context, cross-border barriers refer to legislation, official rules or practices that prevent the free movement of individuals or hinder companies’ possibilities to operate across the Nordic borders.
Free movement is one of the cornerstones of Nordic cooperation, and promoting free movement benefits individuals and the national economy alike. In 2019, the Nordic Prime Ministers adopted a vision according to which the Nordic region will be the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030. Removing cross-border barriers plays an important role in achieving this vision. The objective of removing and preventing cross-border barriers is included in the Programme of Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s Government.
The Government endorsed a report on Nordic cross-border barriers in its plenary session on 10 November. The report presents Finnish efforts to remove and prevent cross-border barriers during the government term and highlights barriers, which the Finnish authorities have been working to remove. In addition, the report gives general information about the removal of cross-border barriers by, for example, listing key bodies and their roles.
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs prepared the report. Ministries, other relevant authorities and parties working to remove and prevent cross-border barriers commented on the report already during drafting. In addition, it was possible to comment on the draft report on the website lausuntopalvelu.fi. The report is due to be submitted to Parliament during this government term.


  • Ann-Sofie Stude, Head of the Secretariat for Nordic Cooperation, tel. +358 295 350 531, firstname.lastname@formin.fi
  • Carolina Nordling, Special Adviser to Minister Blomqvist, tel. +358 295 15 0278, firstname.lastname@gov.fi


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