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Analysis by the Development Policy Panel: Finland’s development policy requires a more ambitious human legal rights based approach


The rules-based international program and the human rights that form an essential part of its normative base are significantly questioned. This also complicates Finlands endeavours. For example , gender equality and the rights of women and girls as well as the rights associated with gender and sexual minorities are questioned in both national and international arenas. The particular Development Policy Committee views that these challenges make Finland’s investments in human rights based development policy plus development cooperation and in foreign and security policy more important than before. This illustrates the importance of Finnish advocacy work at the international level, particularly in the UN and the EU.
“In the increasingly anxious global situation, it is important to ensure that foreign and security policy remains strongly human legal rights based across government conditions, ” says Member of Parliament Inka Hopsu (Greens), who have chairs the Development Plan Committee.
According to the Development Plan Committee’s analysis, the human rights based approach of Finland’s development policy has enhanced in recent years, and human rights are better taken into account in development cooperation. However , Finland should take an even more committed approach, so that development plan would promote human legal rights and tackle human legal rights challenges more actively in future. This requires political can, clear target-setting, competence and appropriate resourcing from all of the parties.
An increasingly tense international scenario, prolonged conflicts, catastrophes amplified by climate change as well as the questioning of the justification regarding human rights are further increasing the need for a human being rights based development policy.

More desire is needed across the board

Even though human rights based method has been taken into account in the preparing of development cooperation, there is great variation in its implementation and monitoring. The Development Policy Committee considers this important that a human rights based approach is regularly implemented throughout all development cooperation channels, measures plus levels. This applies not only to development cooperation but also more broadly to a selection of policy areas, Finland’s external relations as a whole and international advocacy work.
The full analysis is available on the particular Development Policy Committee’s website (in Finnish) (layout. types. web address. description) .
In the human rights based approach, human rights and associated obligations guide the setting of goals for development policy and development cooperation. At the heart of it are regard for human rights and their protection and promotion. The Development Policy Committee underlines that particular attention needs to be paid to people and groups of people whose human rights are least likely to be realised. The duty bearers responsible for the particular realisation of rights must also be influenced. The leading principles are participation and inclusiveness, non-discrimination and equality as well as accountability and visibility.
This see is shared by the Growth Policy Committee, whose evaluation of the current situation looks at the realisation of the human being rights based approach in Finland’s development policy plus development cooperation.
Appointed with the Government for its four-year term of office, the Development Policy Committee is the only body monitoring and evaluating Finnish development cooperation and policy on a systematic plus broad basis.


  • Marikki Karhu, Secretary-General of the Development Policy Committee, tel. +358 50  525  8649, marikki. karhu@formin. fi
  • Inka Hopsu, Chair of the Development Policy Committee, tel. +358 40  758  9545, inka. hopsu@eduskunta. fi
