The EMCDDA will be kicking off its 2021 programme of webinars on 3 February starting with the topic ‘Responding to drugs and homelessness: innovative approaches in Europe’.
The link between long-term homelessness, problem drug use and alcohol dependence is well documented. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, there are concerns that the health and social wellbeing of the homeless population will worsen. Addressing the diverse and complex needs of this group requires targeted, sustained and joined-up interventions.
A panel of frontline workers from Belgium, Portugal and Finland will share their experiences of implementing solutions to address issues linked to homelessness among vulnerable populations, including people who use drugs. Presenting key innovations in this field, they will explore some of the major facilitators and barriers to successful implementation and respond to queries in a Q&A session.
Further details on panel members and how to register for the event are available here.
The new programme of webinars follows a testing phase in 2020, which saw seven COVID-19-related webinars rolled out between May and December. The sessions aimed to help those working in the drugs field understand how drug users, and those supporting them, were coping with the pandemic and to exchange knowledge and experience. An additional webinar was dedicated to the launch of the 2019 ESPAD report and explored its use among key target audiences.
EMCDDA webinars are designed to give a voice to professionals working in the drugs field and are conceived as conversations around key topics of interest and emerging challenges as well as a means to build relations with potential or future stakeholders.
Chaired by EMCDDA staff members, the webinars are open to professionals working in the drugs field and other individuals with an interest in the topic.
Subsequent webinars will be announced under EMCDDA Events.