EASO has published the second update of the ‘Country Guidance: Afghanistan’ (December 2020), replacing its previous version from June 2019. The document reflects the common assessment of the situation in Afghanistan by EU Member States and has been endorsed by the EASO Management Board. It aims to support asylum decision-makers and policy-makers in the EU and beyond, by means of in-depth analysis and guidance on the main elements in the examination of applications for international protection by applicants from Afghanistan. Without replacing the individual assessment required in each case, this practical tool aims to foster convergence in the context of the Common European Asylum System, ensuring that similar cases are treated and decided on in a similar manner and in accordance with the applicable international and EU legislation.
In this update, most sections of the document have been reviewed in light of up-to-date common country of origin information, published by EASO in 2020. The reader will find updated analysis and guidance with regard to the main actors of persecution or serious harm in the country, the potential qualification for refugee status of some of the most commonly encountered profiles of applicants from Afghanistan, the applicability of subsidiary protection, the capacity of the Afghan State to provide protection, the potential internal protection alternative, and the applicability of exclusion clauses.
The ‘Country Guidance: Afghanistan’ is available in a user-friendly electronic book format, as well as in pdf. It can be accessed here.
Country guidance is currently available on the following countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, and Syria. For more information about EASO’s role in fostering Member States’ efforts towards convergence in the assessment of international protection needs and the work on country guidance, visit here.