HomeDenmarkDenmark renews its support for peace security and better living standards in...

Denmark renews its support for peace security and better living standards in South Sudan

In extension of his visit to the year’s most important summit in the African Union, Minister for Foreign Affairs Kristian Jensen launches a new Danish country policy paper for Denmark’s engagement in South Sudan, one of the world’s most fragile countries.

Minister for Foreign Affairs, Kristian Jensen, states:
“Denmark has been a loyal supporter of the South Sudanese – even before their independence from Sudan in 2011 – and I am pleased to announce Denmark’s continued support of the South Sudanese people’s efforts to build a unified and peaceful country”.

“I strongly condemn the many brutalities and human rights breaches that the civilian population has been exposed to. Denmark is working to improve the population’s living standards, again allowing South Sudanese refugees to return home”.

The country policy paper sets out the strategic framework for Denmark’s total engagement in South Sudan in the period 2016-2018; it includes both the development partnership, humanitarian assistance as well as civilian and military personnel to UN’s peacekeeping mission.

In future years, the focus will switch to the prevention of violent assaults as well as supporting a peaceful development and improved standards of living. The Danish effort will also help to counteract migration flows.

South Sudan won its independence from Sudan in 2011, but after only two years of inde¬pen¬dence, internal strife escalated into a violent conflict in December 2013. More than 2 million persons are internally displaced, and more than 700,000 have fled to the neighbouring countries. Despite the signing of peace accords in August 2015 the situation remains grave, complex and unpredictable. The conflict has left the South Sudanese community heavily militarised, underdeveloped, traumatised and fragmented.

It is expected that the value of Denmark’s development partnership in South Sudan will be DKK 100 million in 2016-2018. Added to this are humanitarian contributions, of which Denmark paid DKK 240 million in 2014 and DKK 160 million in 2015.

Find the country policy paper here.

For additional press contact:
Mr. Poul Kjar, press advisor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, telephone (+45) 41865975.



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