HomeCuba75 UNGA: Statement by Cuba at Intergovernmental negotiations on the question of...

75 UNGA: Statement by Cuba at Intergovernmental negotiations on the question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council. New York, January 25, 2021 Copresidentas: Al agradecer la convocatoria a esta reunión, de

75 UNGA: Statement by Cuba at Intergovernmental negotiations on the question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council. New York, January 25, 2021

Al agradecer la convocatoria a esta reunión, deseo felicitarlas por su designación como co-presidentas de este importante proceso.

Como hemos expresado en otras ocasiones, consideramos que el proceso de reforma del Consejo de Seguridad debe tener un enfoque integral y amplio, que aborde todas las cuestiones sustantivas relacionadas con los cinco temas claves, a saber:  la categoría de miembros, la cuestión del veto, la representación regional, el tamaño de un Consejo de Seguridad ampliado y sus métodos de trabajo, y la relación entre el Consejo y la Asamblea General.

Este proceso de reforma debe ser conducido por los Estados Miembros y debe caracterizarse por ser inclusivo y participativo. Todas las posiciones deben ser tenidas en cuenta en igualdad de condiciones. Solo a través del debate y la negociación, en los tiempos y marcos establecidos, se podrá definir una ruta que nos permita alcanzar el consenso.

In thanking you for convening this meeting, I wish to congratulate you on your appointment as co-chairs of this important process.

As we have stated on previous occasions, we believe that the Security Council reform process must have a comprehensive and broad approach, addressing all substantial matters related to the five key issues, namely: the membership category, the question of the veto, regional representation, the size of an enlarged Security Council and its working methods, and the relationship between the Security Council and the General Assembly.

This reform process should be conducted by the Member States and should be characterized by inclusiveness and participation. All positions must be taken into account on an equal footing. Only through debate and negotiation, within the established time frames and frameworks, will it be possible to define a path that will allow us to reach consensus.


Cuba supports an expansion of the Security Council membership, both in the permanent and non-permanent categories, with the aim of redressing the underrepresentation of developing countries. The membership of the Security Council should be expanded to no less than 26 members.

The expansion should include an increase of new permanent members, at least two African countries, two developing countries from Asia and two from Latin America and the Caribbean. The non-permanent member category should be enlarged to at least 15 members.

The new seats created in the category of permanent members should have the same privileges and rights as the current ones, including the veto power, without establishing selective or discriminatory criteria. We are not in favor of the creation of new membership categories or subcategories because that would deepen the existing differences and foment division within the Council.

On the other hand, we believe that the practice of discussing ”regional representation”, as one of the five key issues established by General Assembly decision 62/557, should be maintained. Each regional group has its own particularities and internal practices for presenting and endorsing its candidates to the various United Nations bodies, including the Security Council. This should be respected, and for our delegation it does not require further clarification or discussion.


We hope that this process will continue to be a space for inclusive and transparent debate, which moves forward on the basis of consensus.

Thank you.



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